11 Best Productivity Hacks You Must Try Today
In this post, I’d like to tell you about the 11 best ways to be more productive right now.
When work starts piling up, it can be hard to keep up with everything you need to do.
But you’re not the only one who feels it. Professionals all over the world are also doing their best to feel organized and get things done.
We all wish we had more time to work on other parts of our jobs, but we can’t just make a copy of ourselves.
Increasing our productivity is a good way to handle all the work we have to do without feeling too busy.
Many “productivity enhancers,” like going to the gym every morning, seem to add more work, even though many people say they save time. Try one of these instead.
So, without further ado, here are the 11 best ways to get more done. Won’t we?
1. Stop checking your email and turn off your phone.
We’ve all done some of these things.
Sometimes, it’s because we’re afraid something important will happen while we’re not online.
But if something really important comes up, it will happen whether you are online or not.
Some people say that it makes sense to have email alerts turned on so they can get messages when they come in.
You might miss messages this way, but not everyone needs to know about every single message that comes in on your phone.
From a practical point of view, the “Do Not Disturb” setting on your phone is the only thing that can save your sanity.
This lets you turn off notifications for a certain amount of time or until you turn them back on yourself.
One study found that the average worker spends about seven hours a day on email and other digital tasks.
This takes a lot of time out of your workday that you could use to get more work done or just take a break.
Further Reading: How To Stop Social Media Addiction
2. Clean your desk.
Why should you clean up your desk? Putting a band-aid on something that can’t be fixed is the same thing.
Every once in a while, it’s good to look through everything, but if you’re looking for something specific, it doesn’t make much sense.
People will do anything to avoid doing things they don’t want to do or don’t know how to do.
It helps you stay organized and get things done because you’ll get rid of things that have been taking up space for years but were never used.
It can also help people do their jobs better because they won’t be as distracted by the stuff on their desks, which can be stressful or cause anxiety.
Further Reading: 11 Simple Rules For Living An Organized Life
3. Make to-do lists for the next day.
Most of the time, we are always looking at our to-do list or crossing things off.
But what’s the point if it makes you feel stressed out all the time?
This is because if you keep checking your list, you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.
People deal with this pressure in many different ways. They stop doing their to-do lists or checking them all the time, but this just makes them more stressed.
So the best way to handle this is to just stop doing it.
One way to do this is to make a “next day” checklist. On this list, you write down all the things you need to do the next day and check them off as you finish them.
Further Reading: 11 Simple Rules For Living An Organized Life
4. Set up a small routine.
You need to come up with a routine that fits your own needs and goals.
The micro-routine should take less than 10 minutes and can be done at any time of the day.
Some people find it easier to work out in the morning, while others prefer to do it right before bed.
Choose the time that works best for you, and make it a habit to do it at least three times a week.
5. Take a break halfway through a task.
This is one of my favorite and most useful ways to get more done. tasks into smaller parts that are easier to handle.
People take breaks because they need time to rest and get back to work.
Many people think it’s a waste of time to take a break.
Taking a break can help you concentrate on the task at hand and understand it better.
You can also take care of your health and avoid burnout or stress by taking breaks.
6. Give yourself deadlines.
When there are deadlines, it can be hard to come up with content for a specific task. You can make it easier on yourself by giving yourself sprints.
During a sprint, you try to finish a certain task in a short amount of time.
So, you’ll be able to handle your tasks better and stick to your rules.
Setting short-term goals is a great way for me to stay on track.
You should know what your goals are and how long it will take to reach them.
How to set up sprints:
-Set a timer for an hour and work on the task as long as you can until the timer goes off.
-Pick a time of day, like 9 a.m., and work on the task as long as you can until that time passes.
Set a certain number of days, like 3, and work on the task as long as you can until those days are up.
7. Take a break and do something mindlessly.
A good way to take a break is to do things that don’t require much thought. The tasks shouldn’t take a lot of mental or physical work.
Folding laundry, doing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen, running errands, etc., are all examples of mindless tasks.
They can be anything that doesn’t require using your brain.
The idea is that if you do these mindless tasks for a few minutes, your brain will have time to rest and recover from whatever mental work you were doing before.
This could help people who feel like they have too much to do in their lives.
8. Turn off your internet connection
It’s also one of the best ways to get more done, but the hardest part is just turning off your internet.
If you have a deadline coming up and your internet connection keeps going in and out, you can turn it off so it doesn’t keep you from working.
So, you won’t have to worry about anything getting in the way of your work. Go to Settings, scroll down, and click on “Cellular” or “Data” to turn it off.
You might need your network provider’s username and password. Before you start, ask your internet provider what this means if you don’t know.
9. Instead of having a meeting, send a bulleted email.
Most meetings are boring, boring, and take a lot of time. Emails are more personal and can say more with less language.
Many business leaders now use bulleted emails instead of meetings.
It’s not the best way to communicate, but if you want your team to work smarter, not harder, you can get rid of the weekly team meeting.
Because bullet points are shorter than full sentences, they save time when reading.
They also don’t need as much attention or mental energy to get the point across, which is great for people who are overworked or just bored in meetings.
10. Work a little on Sunday nights.
Sunday night is a good time to take a break from the week and do a few small things that you might not have done or put off during the week.
The following are some things that can be done on Sunday night:
Reading articles, listening to podcasts, and taking in other forms of media.
being with friends, family, or people you care about.
cleaning the house in small ways, like dusting or vacuuming.
Doing something for yourself, like going for a run, making your own dinner, going to bed early, etc.
11. Get rid of things that aren’t important.
This section will teach you how to arrange your tasks in order of how important they are.
The first step is to write down all of the things you need to do. Give each task a letter that represents how important it is.
The least important tasks are the ones with an F, and the most important tasks are the ones with an A.
Second, put your tasks in order by the letters they start with.
The most important task should be done first, before any of the less important ones.
Once you’ve finished one task, move on to the next one in line, and so on, until they’re all done or at least ranked in order of importance.
Further Reading: 3 Simple Techniques To Prioritize Your Tasks And Get More Done