15 Effective Ways To Save Time And Get More Done

Ounassi Ali
13 min readJul 17, 2022


15 Effective Ways To Save Time And Get More Done

In this post, we will discover 15 effective ways to save time so you can get more done and achieve your goals faster.

Many people complain that there aren’t enough hours in the day.

“Saving time” is a common motivation for most activities and investments.

While we all wish we had more time to spend with our loved ones or do more during the day, finding ways to make more time isn’t always the best option.

The answer lies in how to effectively manage your time.

If you want to save time and do more each day, you must develop productive habits and value your time.

Follow along if you’re having a hard time getting a handle on things and find that the cycle of lost time is relentless, with something else to do always in your peripheral.

To What Extent Is Time Critical to Our Daily Lives?

This is a race against time, and wasting any of it is not an option.

This cannot be retrieved. Everything we undertake is influenced by the passage of time.

Listed below are some of the reasons why time is so crucial in our lives:

1 — Everything has a beginning and an end.

Time has an impact on everything. Everything deteriorates over time, no matter what it is (flower, person, star).

Strong partnerships are built over time.

Our busy schedules can make it hard to spend quality time with the people we care about. Unwind and spend time with loved ones if you have good time management skills.

2 — Self-discipline increases with time.

Developing self-control and self-discipline is a long-term process.

Procrastination is out of the question if you have strong time management abilities.

The more self-discipline you develop, the better you’ll be at managing your time.

Further Reading: 7 Simple Ways To Improve Self Discipline

3 — Decision-making abilities can be sharpened through time.

When you are under the impression that you will be unable to accomplish an assignment on time, you are under a great deal of stress. But don’t be alarmed.

Don’t worry about running out of time if you have a schedule in place.

As a result, you’ll feel more confident and in charge of your situation.

Instead of making snap decisions, you’ll thoroughly weigh the pros and disadvantages of each option. Thus, you’ll have a better chance of making wiser choices.

4 — More options become available with time.

Your company and organization will value you more if you have a diverse set of abilities.

More knowledge translates into greater worth. You’ll be more productive at work if you have a good sense of time management.

15 Effective Ways To Save Time And Get More Done

#1: Keep an eye on the time.

Before we dive into any of the suggestions that we’ll speak about, as a starting point, it’s crucial to know exactly what you are spending your time on.

Keeping a log of your time working on it is the most straightforward approach.

You can do it with pen and paper or in a spreadsheet, but utilizing time tracking software is a far more efficient method that will save you a lot of time.

If you use an app, you will be able to view all of the data in an orderly manner, which will help you to evaluate how you spend your time.

Is there something that you ought to devote more or less of your time to?

Do you have the ability to arrange your time more efficiently?

What sort of adjustments may you make to your agenda so that it better accommodates your requirements?

#2: Distinguish between concentrated and distracting work.

Even if you have a hectic schedule, there will always be some jobs to complete.

You’ll have to, among other things, return phone calls and chat messages, fill out paperwork, place grocery orders, and do things you normally wouldn’t.

Make time for these kinds of things.

During other vital duties, you find yourself unable to finish them.

Don’t try to juggle many things at once, especially those that are important and those that aren’t.

For those times when you’re distracted, use your multitasking talents.

Set aside time each day to concentrate on your long-term goals.

You won’t progress much if you expect to work on your dreams when your schedule permits.

Force yourself to set aside an hour each day to work on your objectives.

#3:Make a list of the things that cause you to get distracted.

There are a lot of people that have a hard time focusing on a task because they approach it incorrectly.

Take, for example, the pervasiveness of smartphone addiction.

“I can’t stop glancing at my phone now and then,” you mutter as you tear out your hair.

But resisting the temptation to pick up your phone when you hear the sound of a notification is a difficult struggle to win against oneself.

Avoiding the cause of the problem will make it much easier to cure it.

For smartphones, the notification sound or buzz will serve as your trigger. If you silence your phone or put it in a drawer, you won’t be as tempted to check it.

Identify the things that cause you to become sidetracked.

There are many different kinds of them, and everyone has one of their own. Here are a few illustrations:

  • During a break, passing by the refrigerator prompts you to open the door and remove some trash.
  • You can’t resist lighting up a cigarette just by looking at it.
  • You’re tempted to watch Netflix while curled up on the couch.

Use the activities stated previously to discover all the triggers for your distractions once you know where you are wasting the most time.

Distractions should not be fought in a battle, but rather eliminated.

#4:Make a timetable based on the times of day when you are most productive.

Some people are more productive in the mornings because they like to wake up early.

Others are more productive in the evenings.

Decide if you’re a morning person, a night person, or a day pigeon who likes a regular schedule for waking up and going to bed.

You’ll be less productive if you get up at 5 a.m., so plan your day around your natural circadian cycle.

There is no use in trying to get things done late in the evening if you are more of an early riser.

Make sure that your schedule and sleep are both working for you.

#5: Do it immediately if it takes less than 5 minutes.

Procrastination is a major contributor to the accumulation of little chores into larger ones.

If a task takes less than five minutes to do, you may avoid it by making it a habit to complete it promptly.

A cup of coffee or a plate may be washed in a matter of seconds, but if you wait until your sink is full of filthy dishes, it will take much longer.

“I’ll be done in ten minutes” is a hard habit to break at first. Seriously, this time: “I know I said that 10 minutes ago, but I mean it this time.”

Mel Robbins’ 5-second rule helped me a lot: if you don’t act within 5 seconds of feeling the need to do something, your brain will trick you into believing you’ll be doing it in 5 minutes.

If you don’t feel like paying a bill, remember to do so when you do.

Yes, this is true when it comes to waking up in the morning. Don’t put off getting up.

Researchers believe that pushing the snooze button over and over again might cause sleep inertia.

As a result, it disrupts your sleep pattern, which is detrimental to both your mental and physical health.

#6: Apply the “2 Minute Rule”

Applying the “2 Minute Rule,” which can be found in David Allen’s book “Getting Things Done,” is a great way to improve your ability to manage your time effectively and put an end to procrastination.

According to the guideline, “If a work can be finished in less than two minutes, you must perform it at this very moment.”

If you are about to take a break but discover that the email you received required a response, you should do it as soon as possible.

If you are going through your list of things to do and you come across an item that requires a fast phone call, then you should go ahead and make the call.

In plainer terms, you should never put off until later any activity that can be finished in less than two minutes, regardless of how low the task’s importance may be.

Completing the work at a later time requires more effort.

You may try to calculate how much time it will take you to recall the task, and the knowledge linked with it, and then eventually do it.

It is anticipated that the total will exceed 2 minutes.

#7: Establish a specific work area.

Don’t work from your bed if you’re working from home.

Find a spot to work, preferably with a desk in front of you.

Having this in mind, when you sit down to work, your brain will know you mean business, and you’ll be able to get to work much more quickly.

Your brain should link sleep and rest with your bedroom, not awake, concentrating, or working from bed.

Stay on top of the cleanliness and organization of your work area.

Ideally, it should just include what you need to do your job and nothing else.

There is no better place to study than in front of a computer, not on the couch or in bed.

#8: Set a time limit for the task you’re doing.

A chance to pursue my ambitions is at hand.” “I’ll get to that later,” you tell yourself, persuading yourself. But you put off achieving your long-term goals daily.

Make a note in your head of how much time you expect to spend on each major undertaking.

Each task will take longer than you think if you don’t have a schedule. Your next task will be pushed out further as a result.

Every time you do the same thing, you miss out on the most important things in your daily schedule.

Your long-term aspirations will suffer as a result of your procrastination.

If I have a task that will take more than 30 minutes, I set a time limit for myself.

I only make an exception if the work must be completed urgently.

#9: Get a good night’s sleep.

Sleeping less to have more leisure during the day has backfired on me in the past.

A few additional hours may help, but it’s going to take away from your ability to focus on your work.

To make matters worse, you’ll be groggy and exhausted for the rest of the day.

When you’re well-rested, you can do more in an hour than when you’re exhausted.

I try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night.

In addition to reducing your productivity, sleeping fewer than 6 hours a night is bad for your entire health and well-being.

Add 30 minutes of exercise to your daily routine at least three times each week.

Further Reading: How To Sleep Better And Increase Your Productivity

#10: Putting things in their usual spots

When you have a smaller number of competing priorities, it is easier to focus on them.

Put all the things you frequently use in the same area and return them there after you’re done with them.

How do you keep things in the same spot?

  • By ensuring that everything is kept in one place.
  • Put things back where you found them after you’ve used them.

You’ll be able to spend more time in places formerly occupied by clutter as you pare down the clutter.

#11: Group together similar tasks

Changing gears between different types of work cannot be a simple task.

To get into a productive mental flow, most people need several minutes of uninterrupted concentration on a specific sort of job.

Combining comparable activities reduces the amount of time wasted between task orders and, as a result, helps keep things running smoothly.

How can you group related tasks?

  • Make a daily to-do list and rank them according to importance.
  • Identify the purpose of each task and assign a classification to it.
  • Planning and allocating time to complete tasks that are similar.

#12: Drop hobbies that you no longer find enjoyable.

Is there a hobby that you used to enjoy but no longer do? Now is the moment to let them go!

For some people, quitting something feels like a failure since they were taught that victors never quit and losers never win.

Contrary to popular belief, this is utter nonsense. Our preferences and priorities shift over time. We all go through it at some point in our lives.

#13: Rush hour and traffic are your enemies.

Avoid the busy hour and traffic jams. Although it may not be possible to completely avoid traffic, there is almost always something we can do to minimize our exposure.

The most fundamental piece of advice is to avoid going to work at 9 a.m. and leaving at 5 p.m.

Consider the scenario when your work schedule is rigid and you have a daily commute.

As a result, you may be able to come in earlier and leave later, but still, have time to accomplish other things.

A trip to the area’s breakfast establishments would be a great opportunity. You may even grab a cup of coffee with a coworker before heading into the office!

You can also come to work and work on your own projects, watch a movie, or read a book. Alternatively,

Be careful, though, because it may be seen as rude even if you do it before the workweek begins.

Going to the gym, shopping, or meeting up with a friend for an early dinner after work is ideal.

After work, you don’t have to drive directly back to your house.

When rush hour ends, make use of the public transportation available to you and head home.

Essentially, you may design your entire morning or nighttime routine around your work.

Keep in mind that you’ll be able to save time and money in the long run, whether you’re using it to fulfill personal duties or simply to have fun.

#14: While you walk, listen to something.

While walking outside, listen to some Podcasts or Audiobooks.

There are many ways to combine the two activities of walking and listening to audiobooks and lectures, whether it is for pleasure purposes or because you live in a walkable city.

Walks of 15–20 minutes might soon become an hour or more if you’re not careful.

Begin listening to an audiobook today and complete it tomorrow! If you find it difficult to focus on audio, you can use this as an exercise.

If you’re feeling particularly frazzled or tense, you may want to forego this suggestion and instead opt for a silent stroll. As a result, you’ll feel more relaxed and at ease.

Managing your time can wait, but ensuring your mental well-being is the most crucial task.

#15: Work to reduce procrastination

Yep. Taking action on this advice may prove revolutionary, even though it isn’t revolutionary in and of itself.

It’s human nature to put things off, and it happens to even the most disciplined among us. However, anyone can mitigate its consequences if they put in the effort:

Four steps to overcoming procrastination

1 — Make a list of the things that make you postpone. In some cases, it can be triggered by the subconsciousness that informs us something about the work we are trying to avoid.

Boredom and lack of interest are two of the most common causes of procrastination. Improve your self-awareness by doing some introspection.

2 — You may be able to delegate or ignore procrastination once you know what it is. Think of inventive ways to keep oneself motivated if this is the case. Finishing your report by 3 pm will feel like an early night to you. You may also use a Pomodoro timer to make the procedure more fun.

3 — Find out what causes you to put things off. Is Instagram your go-to social media platform? Is it a TV show? Playing with your pet is a great way to spend time together.

4 — Procrastination tools should be removed from your workspace in order to help you focus better on your tasks.

These are just a few of the suggestions that have been found to be effective by many people. It’s perfectly acceptable if you have a different approach.

Here, the trick is to admit that you’re a procrastinator, not sugarcoat it, and go to work on improving yourself.

Further Reading On Procrastination: 5 Science-Backed Strategies To Overcome Procrastination


Learning how to save time is such an important skill to learn, especially in these modern times where the “time-stealers” proliferated to a huge degree.

Approaching this problem needs to be done in a clever way to increase the likelihood of solving it.

What I mean by that is to identify first the thing that is wasting your time the most and use the adequate strategy fore-mentioned above.

Trying to use all of them is a recipe for disaster.

Also, make sure to personalize the tip or strategy according to your personal situation. Add a personal and unique touch to the tip that you chose.

This way, it’s going to give more motivation to take action on the identified problem.

Ali Ounassi, Founder Of BestProductivityTips.com

More Tips On Time Management:



Ounassi Ali
Ounassi Ali

Written by Ounassi Ali

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