6 Golden Rules To Achieve Your Goals
Setting goals for your life and career can be very effective and powerful. Putting your goals on paper will help you reach them.
In 1979, the Harvard University MBA class that was about to graduate was asked,
“Have you written down clear goals for the future and made plans for how to reach them?”
After ten years, this class’s earnings were looked at to see how much they had made. They were put in three different groups.
Group A, which made up 84% of the class, didn’t have any goals at all.
Group B and 13% of the group had goals, but they hadn’t written them down. Ten years later, they were making DOUBLE what group A was making.
Only 3% of the group was in Group C, but they had written goals and made TEN TIMES as much as both Groups A and B put together.
In this article, we share some of the most important rules that successful goal-setters from around the world have told us about setting goals.
1. Watch what you ask for!
In every part of our lives, we need to be clear about what we want.
For example, it might be great to make a lot of money and have a great job, but if we give up other things in our lives to do that, is it worth it?
This could mean that you don’t get to see your kids grow up because you work too much or don’t make enough time for your partner or a hobby.
It’s a good idea to write down all the important things in your life and be very clear about what you want and need.
Further Reading: 23 Goal Setting Tips and Tricks To Boost Your Productivity
2. Make sure you know when you’ve reached your destination.
How will you know when you’ve reached your destination? How will you know when you’ve achieved what you want?
How will it look, how will it sound, and how will it feel? If we don’t do this, it will be hard to say that we did this. We need this so we can feel like we’ve reached our goal and be happy with ourselves.
3. Stretch your muscles
When we reach a goal that requires some work on our part, we often feel the most satisfaction.
There are a lot of dreams like this, and it’s up to each person to decide if it’s stretching enough.
4. Make sure it fits with your own values.
Sometimes, in our haste to reach our goal, we do things that go against who we are as people.
For instance, we might work for someone with different values, and we’d have to follow those.
If you’ve ever been in this situation, you know that after a while, it gets so bad that you have to leave. So, before you say yes, do what you can to see if your values are the same.
Further Reading: 6 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Goals
5. You Have to Believe to See
“I’ll believe it when I see it” is a common phrase.
In this case, you need to believe you can do it before you take the next step. It comes down to commitment and hard work.
It’s also about making sure you can reach your goals. Find people who have done great things against the odds and can serve as an example.
You probably already know that a lot of athletes use visualization to help them reach their goals. They can see the outcome in their minds before it happens.
6. Do the First Thing
This step is essential.
If you don’t do anything to reach your goal, it’s just a wish list.
This first step tells your brain that the journey has started, which can be very motivating if you’ve been putting this off for a while.