6 Tips To Increase Your Productivity Instantly
I compiled six techniques to boost your productivity right away, even if you’re already driven to get things done.
Setting deadlines
According to Parkinson’s Law, “work increases in order to fill the time available for its completion.”
Setting deadlines is critical if you want to get the most out of your time.
You have no motivation to act urgently unless you have a deadline.
What might have taken a few hours can easily take a day or even longer to do.
Further Reading: 23 Goal Setting Tips and Tricks To Boost Your Productivity
Make Sure You Know What You’re Doing Beforehand
Clarity, it is said, is a powerful thing. Take some time in advance to figure out what steps must be conducted.
To avoid wasting time in the middle of tasks, it is best to have a clear idea of what you’re doing and exactly what has to be done before you get started.
Attempting to tackle a large project without first breaking it down into manageable chunks might be daunting.
Make a to-do list at least one day ahead of time so that you are aware of what has to be accomplished and have a strategy in place for dealing with any potential time-wasters.
Read Also: How To Write a To Do List For Maximum Productivity
Shut Off Any and All Interruptions
It should go without saying, but studies show that interruptions can increase the time it takes to accomplish a task by as much as 50%.
Turn off your email, social media notifications, and anything else that might keep you up to date.
To stay on top of email, social media, and other tasks, make a daily schedule that you can keep to.
Switch to silent mode on your phone. When an emergency arises, many individuals worry that they won’t be able to answer a call from their loved ones if they put their phone on quietly.
You can use your phone’s profiles to accomplish this. Change the sound of your phone’s ringtone or notifications.
Further Reading: How To Eliminate Distractions And Boost Your Productivity
Use of Time Boxing
The Pomodoro technique, for example, is a terrific way to stay concentrated on a single job.
Working 50-minute blocks and having a 10-minute break works best for me, according to research and my own personal experience.
It’s both short and long enough to get a lot of work done in a short period of time.
My old method of working in 25-minute chunks, with a 5-minute break in between, didn’t work for me because I was more easily distracted and the time between work and breaks often seemed to drag on.
Taking a 30-minute rest after two blocks/cycles is permitted.
Prioritize your efforts based on importance.
Make it a point to do the most critical task first thing in the morning because those first two hours of the workday are likely to be your most productive.
Make sure to put the most important things first.
Doing what’s most important in terms of your aims and ideals or tasks that directly bring in money isn’t necessarily the most urgent thing to do.
You’ll notice that urgent tasks get completed due to the fact that they are time-sensitive and have an established deadline.
The first two hours of your day should be dedicated to pursuing your goals.
Concentrate on a single task at a time.
Even if you don’t believe it, the myth of multitasking is well established.
In my experience, entrepreneurs who have a lot of ideas find it simple to believe that they can work on three or four projects simultaneously and make progress on all of them.
By focusing on one thing at a time, finishing it, and then moving on to the next, you’ll make greater progress in the long run.
You shouldn’t throw out your ideas; instead, prioritize them and work on them one at a time, putting all of your energy into them while putting the rest on hold for the time being.