7 Easy Habits That Will Improve Your Productivity Today

Ounassi Ali
3 min readJun 5, 2022


7 Easy Habits That Will Improve Your Productivity Today

Most successful people don’t possess superhuman abilities; rather, they’ve developed a few easy routines that allow them to do a great deal each day.

Keeping your workspace neat and getting at least eight hours of sleep per night are two obvious suggestions. You may be surprised by some of these behaviors, such as taking a nap throughout the day or whining.

Here are seven simple techniques to increase your daily output:

Work less.

Do you believe that working longer hours will yield better results? When Stanford professor John Pencavel looked at data from World War I laborers, he discovered a correlation between productivity and time worked — up to 49 hours.

For the sake of comparison, those who worked 70 hours put in the same amount of production as those who worked 56 hours.

Further Reading: How To Work Less And Get More Done

Comprehensive Practice of Strategic Delay

“Let some other tasks drop,” she says, “in order to focus on important or meaningful activity.” Open your mail only once a week, for example; these days, nothing urgent comes in the mail.

In contrast to some other organizers, Zaslow allows you to touch any piece of paper as many times as you like. In her opinion, it’s perfectly OK to put off tasks that aren’t as urgent until later.

Focus solely on one task at a time.

It’s not a good idea to multitask.

Don’t try to multitask; instead, focus on a single activity and complete it before moving on to the next. It’s just one after the other.

As a result, you will discover that this is less exhausting and more productive.

Distractions should be avoided at all costs.

When it comes to efficiency, there are few things more evident than avoiding interruptions.

Distractions, many of which are caused by our own bad work habits, must be avoided if we are to succeed.

When you’re working, turn off your email and social media notifications, and put your cell phone on quiet. For maximum attention, we should always work in full-screen mode.

Further Reading: How To Eliminate Distractions And Boost Your Productivity

Clear your inbox.

Remove anything that isn’t important from your inbox, respond to what is, and move on to more pressing matters.

Getting your email inbox down to zero should be your ultimate goal! This prevents you from feeling overwhelmed and harassed by this vital yet insignificant duty. –

Getting your email inbox to zero may take some time, but the effort will be well worth it in the end.

Focus on what’s most important to you.

This can help you improve your productivity and time management abilities by creating a task list. You might think of it as a road map for achieving daily success. What is the use of having a map if you don’t use it?

Focus on completing the tasks on your daily to-do list. As you cross items off your to-do list, you’ll grow closer to completing your mission.

First and foremost, focus on accomplishing the most critical assignment. After that, you can move on to the others.

Further Reading: How To Improve Your Focus

Jot down your thoughts

Writing down your thoughts will help you remember them in the future. All of us have been there at one point or another. So, don’t forget to jot down fresh ideas, information about your company, and lessons you’ve learned.

However, I must issue a cautionary note.

If you have a note app installed on your phone, you can probably use it quite a bit. However, I must caution you against using a digital notepad instead of a pen and paper journal.


Because studies have shown that making notes using a pen and paper helps you remember and retain the information better than typing or texting, you should employ this method whenever possible.



Ounassi Ali
Ounassi Ali

Written by Ounassi Ali

Find out the best of productivity tips for a better life. You will find stuff like productivity quotes, productivity tips to beat laziness and be productive.

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