How To Become The Best In The World At What You Do

Ounassi Ali
6 min readMay 27, 2022


How To Become The Best In The World At What You Do

I always hear a crazy voice inside my head telling me how bad I am at something, or pretty much anything I do.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who has had this happen. We like things to be perfect.

When we choose a job, we want to be the best at it. Even if there are many people in the world who are much better at what we do, we still want to do our best and shine.

Along the way, we will face problems, and one of the biggest might be a lot of competition.

How do you stay alive when millions of other people are doing the same thing as you?

This shouldn’t stop you from trying to get better and be the best at what you want to be the best at.

You want people to come up to you or like what you do. How would you be anything else?

This post is all about that. It has five great ideas that will help you become the best at what you do in the world.

Let’s get started…

Tip #1: Don’t let mistakes get you off track.

People tend to be stopped when mistakes happen.

But what we fail to realize is that mistakes can be fixed and lead to improvement and that one person’s success could be the beginning of a journey for another.

Winston Churchill said it well: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal”.

What matters is having the courage to keep going.” Bruce, the legendary king of Scotland, stopped working on the bridge several times, but he was able to finish it in the end.

As long as you’re brave and in the right frame of mind, there’s nothing stopping you from reaching heights you once thought were impossible. You are the alpha, or best at the top of the ladder.

Tip #2: Don’t imitate other people. Get them to imitate you.

If you still copy other people’s work, I wish you luck.

What does it say about your inner compass that you want to copy the work and results of other people?

What does that say about where you get your ideas?

Do you just want to know what works?

Do you want to know “how”?

Do you know where you’re headed?

Where do you think you will end up if you follow someone else’s steps? Where are you and where are they?

And even if you were happy with where they were going, do you really think you could do it better? It’s in their plan.

They are moved by something inside of them. You can’t move forward if you’re always a step or two behind. If you always react instead of making things.

If you don’t know who you are, you will try to be someone else all the time.

Because of this, you’ll never be the best. Your work will always look like a cheap copy. It won’t have the feeling that they made the work or came up with the idea.

Tip #3: Keep your goals in mind at all times.

One of the most important things that lead to success is having a clear goal (or several goals).

When you have a goal you’re working toward, everything you do in your life, from your job to getting better at something, has more purpose.

In other words, what you do will lead to something much bigger.

Do not just say you want to be promoted, make a lot of money, or lead a group of five people. Make the aim as clear as you can.

If you want to get a promotion, write down what you need to work on: do you need to learn more, get better at a certain job, like making spreadsheets, or improve your communication skills?

Next, write down a plan for how you will move forward. Set yourself goals and figure out how to measure your progress.

Also, make sure that every day counts toward the goal.

Who would be motivated to do anything if they didn’t think it would make a difference in the long run?

You can make every day count if you start each day by asking yourself, “What is the ONE THING I am going to do today?”

Asking this question forces you to figure out what’s most important, helps your brain focus better, and improves the work you need to do so you don’t feel too busy.

Further Reading: 9 Ways To Train Your Brain To Stay Focused

Tip #4: Use the 50/10 rule to help you focus and get more done.

One easy way to make yourself better is to be more productive and use your time well. How can that be done in ten minutes?

First, you need to be completely focused on your work for 50 minutes, giving it your full and undivided attention the whole time.

Here’s the trick: give yourself a 10-minute break when the 50 minutes are up.

This is called the “50/10 rule,” and it is a great way to improve your focus and productivity.

Fifty minutes is a good amount of time to work without stopping, and a 10-minute break is all you need to re-energize and get back to work.

So, what do you do with your 10 minutes? Do what you want, but be ready to go back when the time is up.

And if you really want to get things done, try doing something else on this list during your break. Just think of it as making that 10-minute count twice.

Further Reading: How To Become More Productive And Motivated

Tip #5: Put yourself first.

Your work shows what kind of person you are. Stop trying to find better ways to do things if you’re not getting the results you want.

Instead, look inside.

Are you the kind of person who could get you to the level of success you want? Your outside circumstances show what’s going on inside you. As James Allen said, your circumstances show you who you really are.

You are where you are right now.

Boost yourself if you want something different.

A lot of people work hard at their craft or “job.” All of that is fine. But you will get a lot more for your money if you work on yourself.

Your work should take up 20% of your time and energy.

Resting and getting better at yourself should take up 80% of your time. This keeps you going and makes your work much better than anyone else’s.

While others try to make their jobs better, you’re always making yourself better by expanding your vision, skills, and abilities.

This is Stephen R. Covey’s seventh idea: Sharpen your saw. Many people are using a dull saw to try to cut down their trees, which is their “job.”

You’ll become an absolute master in a short amount of time. Everyone else is trying to get better at what they do. Don’t do your assignment. Improve yourself.

When you do, your work will be much better than what other people are working hard to make.

Because you will have grown as a person, your work will be cleaner, clearer, and more effective.

Many of the people you’re “completing” are messes on the inside.



Ounassi Ali
Ounassi Ali

Written by Ounassi Ali

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